In accreditation design, you can modify the appearance of accreditation cards. You can either have personalized accreditation cards (with names and pictures) or non-personalized. We have provided some predefined designs, and they work out of the box.
However, many users require to add their own sponsor images, graphics, etc. You can modify the design of accreditation cards with the "report designer" tool. Advanced skills are required to work with accreditation designer.
In the report designer, you can add images, text, labels, ... , move or remove elements and change the default view. Choose the type of accreditation and open a report designer.
Save changes and print accreditations.
In the Accreditation design command group you can also find the "Print empty" button, which lets you print universalized accreditation that can be filled in later. After selecting it, a pop up window will present you with the choice of how many "empty" accreditations you want to print. After clicking OK you will be provided with a preview that you can print or save as PDF.
Supported values reference, you can attach to accreditation cards:
- PersonID (example: 33245, usefull for creating a QR code)
- PersonImage (image of person)
- FirstName (example: John)
- LastName (example: Doe)
- CountryName (example: Australia)
- CountryShort (example: AUS)
- CountryFlag (image of country flag)
- Club (example: JC Lions)
- CompetitionName
- CompetitionDate
- CompetitionPlace
- AgeName (example: Seniors)
- AgeShort (example: SEN)
- WeightName (example: -60)
- WeightFull (example: -60 kg)
- Category (example: Seniors -60)
In case of using single accrediation card for several age/weight categories (one person in several age/weight categories) you can use data fields:
- AgeName2, AgeName3
- AgeShort2, AgeShort3
- WeightName2, WeightName3
- WeightFull2, WeightFull3
- Category2_1, Category2_2, Category3_1, Category3_2, Category3_3
Up to 3 different age/weight classes are supported.
All the available data fields are visible in "field list" window.
For very long string (content expanding over visible area of element) you can use "fit text to label" function. Click on the desired element, navigate to "Behaviour" in properties window and expand "scripts" section.
On the "Before Print" event click New.
Fill the function with following script:
Function should look like:
Hit ctrl+s to save changes. Please note, label name should match the one label you are applying script to.