Categories menu

Categories menu

The categories menu shows you the list of age categories and weights and number of registered athletes for each category/weight.
You can add or delete age and weight categories by using Add or Remove icon in the command group.

By clicking on the category, you will see two lists on the main screen.
  1. Weight Category column shows weight categories in the chosen age category.
  2. The registrants column shows a number of registrants of the weight category.


In the Plan section you can change the fight duration for selected age category. The fight duration is pre-set in JudoManager. You should only chane this setting in special circumstances when the finght duration is changed on site. 

Type of category

Type of category can be set when you create an age category. Different age categories have pre-defined group types you can choose. These are defined in JudoManager by superadmin. Pressing the Add button in Age Categories command group will open a popup window where you can select details about your category, including Group Type. You can c hoose one of the following options:
  1. normal - athletes will be divided by predefined weight categories
  2. belt - athletes will be divided by belt.
  3. veteran - for veteran competitions.
  4. league - for league competitions.
  5. groups - athletes will be divided into groups, based on actual weight.
You can also change the Group Type of an existing category in Type of Category box at the bottom of the view.
If you already have athletes registered in an age category you will be unable to delete it or change its type (Group Type).

Groups type is intended be used for children competitions. Use of this option for any age category will open a new view: "Groups".  

More information on working with groups can be found in the "Groups section".

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