[ 1 ] Name of the competition. By clicking on it you can view and edit the competition.
2 ] Date of duration of the competition.
3 ] Country and city the competition is taking place in.
[ 4 ] Rank.
5 ] If applications are still possible it will provide you with a time line (
etc. Only 3 days 13 hours left to register, More than 2 weeks to register). If you missed the deadline it will say Closed.
[ 6 ] API users
[ 7 ] Check mark suggests that the results of the competition have been added. If not there will be an red X mark.
[ 8 ] Pen icon has the same function as clicking on the name of the competition. It will lead you to a new window where you can view and edit details of the competition.
By clicking on the red trash bin you will delete the competition
[ 9 ] Add a new competition.
[ 10 ] Select a year the competition took place.