


Click on Organizations under the section Register.

By clicking on the pen icon you can edit information about the country.

By clicking »+ New country« you can add a new country.


Click on Regions under the section Register.

- Edit the names of regions,
- delete region and
- add a new region.


Click on Clubs under the section Register.

You may filter the list by country and whether or not its an active club. In the search box you can filter by name, family name, club and year of birth.

- By clicking on the pen icon you can edit information about the club.
- Delete a club by clicking on the bin icon.
- Click on »+New clubs« to create a new one.


Insert the picture a picture by pressing on the upload button or drag and drop a photo(must be in ether of the formats: .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp).
When entering the address in the "Location" field, the Street / No. and City / Postal office are entered manually. After making changes, press SAVE.


In the contacts field, click on "Add" to enter your contact. From the drop-down menu, select the contact type between Email, Mobile, Skype and Website.

If required, check "Primary contact" and "Allow notifications", then press SAVE.


Click on Schools under the section Register.


- By clicking on the pen icon you can edit information about the club.
- Delete a club by clicking on the bin icon.
- Click on »+New clubs« to create a new one.

You may filter the list by country and activity (active, not active, all). In the search box you can filter by title, country and region.

By clicking on ether Title, Official title, country or Region it will alphabetically sort data by A - Z, Z - A.


Click on Persons under the section Register.

You may filter the list by country and club. In the search box you can filter by name, family name, club and year of birth.

By clicking on ether Name, Club or Year of B. it will rearrange by alphabetical order A - Z, Z - A, highest year - lowest year, lowest year - highest year.

Adding new persons can be done two ways:

1. By clicking on Quick insert, entering data of a new person in the new window on your right and than clicking Save.

2. Clicking »New persons« and you will be directed to a new window where you can add more detailed information about the new person. After entering the information press »Save«.

Next to each person you are given three options.
1. Quick edit: click on the icon »✈ Quick«

2. Information about the person: click on the pen icon and it will lead you to a new page with more detail information that you can view and/or edit. After you finish editing press »Save«.

Insert the picture a picture by pressing on the upload button or drag and drop a photo (must be in ether of the formats: .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp).

In the upper ribbon you can move from Basic to Extra and Personal folder. In the tab Extra you can view information about the persons registrations, health insurance, belts, functions, referee licences, coach licences file uploaded and certificates. Files uploaded and Certificates can be downloaded in pdf form.

In the Personal folder you have a collection of the following data: Personal data, registration, health insurance, competitions, belts functions, referee licences and coach licence. In the top right corner we have the option of transporting all of that data into a PDF file and in JSON standard format.

Health care

Click Health care on the left menu under the section Register.

You will be presented by a list of people, the club they belong to, duration of their health care and if their health care is valid or invalid.
To add a valid health care date:
- select people
- set date from when to when health care is valid
- (optional) add documentation for prof

You may filter the list by country and club. In the search box you can filter by name, family name, club and year of birth.

By clicking on ether Name, Club, from - to or Validity it will rearrange by alphabetical order A - Z, Z - A, highest date - lowest date, lowest date - highest date, valid first, invalid first.

To update someone health care:
1. Select the person(s) by pressing in the check box on the left side of their name,
2. Drag a document confirming health insurance,
3. Set date from and to of duration of their health care,
4. Press »Save«.


Click on Users under the section Register.

- By clicking on the pen icon you can edit information and add accesses about the user.

- Delete a user by clicking on the bin icon.
- Click on »+New user« to create a new one.

By clicking on ether Name, Username, Access, Last login or Status it will rearrange by order A - Z, Z - A, earliest login - never login, never login - earliest login, active - not active, not active  - active.


Click Registrations on the left menu under the section Register.

Registrations are directly connected to which competitions can a athlete compete in. Fore example: Only if you have a confirmed IJF registration can you compete on World championships.
Select which registration would you like your athletes to be. All the registration has to be confirmed by the countries federation.  Once a higher admin has approved your application your registration status will turn green. Until its confirmed it will remain yellow.

The list can be exported into a PDF file that will contain their name, date of birth, registrations and status (confirmed, unconfirmed).

You may filter the list by country and club. In the search box you can filter by name, family name, club and year of birth.

By clicking on ether Name, Club or Year of B. it rearrange the list by alphabetical order A - Z, Z - A, highest year - lowest year, lowest year - highest year.


Click Functions on the left menu under the section Register.

You may filter the list by name, club and function. In the search box you can filter by name, family name and club.

By clicking on ether Name, Club or Function it will filter from A - Z, Z - A.

By clicking on the edit icon you will be directed to the users information editing page where you can add a fiction under the tab »Extra«.


Under Enforcement you have a list of possible duplicates and wrong entries that will help you out for running a clean database. 


 This is a costume module you can order. It has of list of registered athletes that you can create custom identification cards card. 

The export basic information of athletes like name, club, 

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