Detail menu

Detail menu

Here you can find general competition settings and information. Name of competition, date from, date to and place are read-only fields. If you need to change any of them, navigate to JudoManager Admin (online) and update data.  

Competition level

Choose your Competition level from the list. Available options are:
  1. State
  2. Club
  3. School
  4. Region
With this setting, you control output on contest sheets, entries, ... If you choose state, only the country will be visible next to the athlete's name. With club, both club and country will be visible. 

Number of mats

Choose the number of mats (tatami) you will have in the competition.

Use Scale Control

Check if you will be using scale control for your competition. This will also enable the Weigh-in view in the ribbon menu below.  With this view you monitor and manage the weighing process. Scale control can be done via the Weigh-In module or you can connect the scale directly to the computer running JudoManager Desktop application (server computer).

Draw before Weight

With this option enabled, you will be able to draw unweighted athletes. Use it when you have to perform a draw before the actual weigh-in.


Here you can choose the layout of the reports. If you have clubs competing in the competition use Classic report layout.  

Round Robin rules to define the winners

Enable or disable options to determine a winner in round-robin groups in case of an equal number of wins (applicable to round-robin and group type systems like "brasilian draw").

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