Guest accounts

Guest accounts

Guest accounts are meant for clubs whose federation is not already in JudoManagers system to register their competitors online. A representative coach can ask for access with guest account, and he will be granted access to register competitors to competitions. If your federation is already using JudoManager please contact the federations administration and they will create a »Club «user rather than »Guest«.

How are guest accounts made:

1. Future guest users go on out page and request a guest account:

They can select only competitions who are set to be visible to the public (this can be edited in competitions details).

After filling in the information they send the request to the federation who is hosting the event.

2. Federations administration goes to Tools – Guest requests and checks the data.

If you do not see the club the user wrote down you can create a new one by clicking on »Didn’t find your club«

3. User receives an email that

What kind of access does a guest account have and how to use it:


Upon login you will be directed to your dashboard.


Click on Clubs under the section Register.

Click on the pen icon so you can add or edit information about the club.


Click on Persons under the section Register.

You may filter the list by country and club. In the search box you can filter byname, family name, club and year of birth.

By clicking on ether name, Club or Year of B. it will rearrange by alphabetical order A - Z, Z - A, highest year - lowest year, lowest year - highest year.

Adding new persons can be done two ways:

1. By clicking on Quick insert, entering data of a new person in the new window on your right and than clicking Save.

2. Clicking »New persons« and you will be directed to a new window where you can add more detailed information about the new person. After entering the information press »Save«.

Next to each person you are given three options.
1. Quick edit: click on the icon »✈Quick«

2. Information about the person: click on the pen icon and it will lead you to anew page with more detail information that you can view and/or edit. After you finish editing press »Save«.

Insert the picture a picture by pressing on the upload button or drag and drop a photo(must be in ether of the formats: .jpeg, .png, .gif, .bmp).

In the upper ribbon you can move from Basic to Extra and Personal folder. In the tab Extra you can view information about the persons registrations, health insurance, belts, functions, referee licences, coach licences file uploaded and certificates. Files uploaded and Certificates can be downloaded in pdf form.

In the Personal folder you have a collection of the following data: Personal data,registration, health insurance, competitions, belts functions, referee licences and coach licence. In the top right corner we have the option of transporting all of that data into a PDF file and in JSON standard format.

 Register guest competitors

Here you will find list of competitions made public in JudoManager. Click on the name of the competition you wish to enter competitors to.

Find your clubs athletes and add them to the competition by clicking on “+Register”. The athletes weigh category can be selected before or after adding on the right side.

If you can not find your athlete on the list you may add a new person by clicking “New competitor” and fill in basic information of the person.

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