

Click »Messaging« on the left menu under the section »Tools«.

[ 1 ] Subject.

[ 2 ] When and who created the email.

[ 3 ] Number of recipients.

[ 4 ] Date and time when the email was delivered. If there is a red X that means that the email hasn't been delivered because the e-mail address was incorrect.

[ 5 ] Title of the event. By clicking on it, it will lead you to new window for editing the competition.

[ 6 ] Edit or delete the email.

[ 7 ] Search massages by using their subject, date, author or title of the event.

[ 8 ]  Create a new massage that will be sent to selected recipient(s) e-mail address. By clicking on it it will direct you to a new window where you can create the mail.

In the »Add recipients« window you can add a user one by one or by list. You can check who is on the list by clicking on the name of it.

You can remove the whole list or just one users email by pressing on the trash can icon on the right side of the list name/e-mail.

[ 9 ] You have 2 tabs.
In the tab Mailing List you can see already created lists and create a new one.
In the tab Massages you have sent massages and the option to create new ones.