Network setup

Network setup

1. Set up a basic local network (router or/and switch). The local network should be protected by a password and not available to the public.

2. Connect all computers to network by UTP cable (recommended for Server and Scoreboards) or/and by wireless connection.

3. Turn off firewall (or add exceptions), all antivirus programs and other unnecessary programs that might be blocking communication between nodes or use operating system resources.

4. It is required for the computer running JudoManager Desktop application (server computer) to have a static IP. Although all other modules (on simple configuration) can have dynamic IP setup (DHCP), it is recommended to set static IPs or hostnames.

See the sample schema below:

5. To set a static IP,  go to Network & Internet settings and set IP for Ethernet (settings may vary on different windows versions, please refer to windows manual on how to set up static IP).

Instead of working with IP addresses, you can set up the hostname for each computer. We suggest using the "prefix type-of-device number". Example:
In this way, all devices are accessible by hostname (instead of IP), which simplifies debugging and further process.
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