Seeders explained

Seeders explained

JudoManager Desktop supports two types of seeders:
  1. seeders (fixed positions)
  2. club seeders (distribution of athletes of the same club)
Seeders are numbered from 1 to maximum 8. They take fixed positions in the contest sheet. You can define arbitrarily number of seeders, but no holes are allowed (you can not set 1,2,4 or 1,4,5). If possible, higher ranked seeders will have bye in first round.

Example of pool size 32 with 8 seeded athletes.

Other athletes will be distributed to other free places, respecting the rule to avoid county, club, region in same pool.
For example, if seeder 1 (in pool A) has club X, another athlete from club X will be in pool C or D. If the third athlete from club X exists, he will be in pool B, C or D (but not in the same as the second athlete).

Club seeders
Club seeders are lower priority as rank seeders and are used to avoid favorite athletes from the same club. You can define up to 4 club seeders. Club seeding works on avoiding principle:
  1. 2 athletes from the same club: no seeders necessary, 2 athletes will be divided in each half
  2. 3 athletes from the same club: seed 1 will be on the left half, seed 2 and 3 will be on the right half (or vice versa)
  3. 4 athletes from the same club: seed 1 and 4 will be on the left half, seed 2 and 3 will be on the right half (or vice versa)
Seeded athlete must also be a club seed (if club has seeded athletes).  

Make sure you avoid "impossible" seed situations. Example of impossible seeding situation would be:
  1. Al Bageera, JZ club (seed 1, club seed 1)
  2. Toma Baloo, JZ club (seed 2, club seed 4)
  3. Timo Sheer Khan, JZ club (club seed 2)
  4. Rama Volt, JZ club ( club seed 3)

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