Software installation

Software installation

1. Double click software installer (JudoManagerSetup.exe) - For registered users, the updated version of JudoManager Desktop can be found on the  JudoManager Admin website.

If you cannot acces the software contact your web administrator. 

2. Select desired language for installation.

3. Select modules you want to install on your computer. The setup allows the installation of modules depending on your needs. The main components (JudoManager Desktop application) module should be installed on the server computer of the competition. Other modules can be installed individually on other computers.

Example: You install any module individually and run it as such or you can install a full installation and choose to open desired module. Note however, that most modules require an instance of JudoManager Desktop application on the same computer or another network attached computer.

Warning: Main components (JudoManager Desktop application) should only run on the server computer (1 instance in 1 local network). In the case of 2 servers running in same network, unpredictable errors may occur.

  1. Main components - JudoManager Desktop application which should only run on the server computer of the competition.
  2. Score Board module - Scoreboard application and Scoreboard display.
  3. WeighIn module - WeighIn module application.
  4. Accreditation module - Accreditation module application.
  5. Contest order module - Contest order display.
  6. Packet sender module - Packet sender application.
4. Select additional tasks. We recommend at least one type of shortcuts to ease the access to applications.

5. Select application defaults for user interface and visual elements. You can choose from the following options:

6. Confirm the installation choices.

7. The installer will proceed with the installation.

8. After setup is completed, if you installed the main components, the installer will ask if you wish to open JudoManager Desktop application.

You can start installed programs by clicking desktop icons or by selecting them in the Windows start menu.

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