Working with registrations

Working with registrations

This section shows you a list of registered athletes and delegations. Here you can add, remove, confirm, print and modify information for each registered athlete or delegate.


In Registrations command group you can perform the following tasks:
  1. Add registration - add an athlete to the competition.
  2. Add team - add a team to the competition.
  3. Add delegation - add a delegate to the competition, choose type from dropdown (referee, training partner, computer team, etc.). 
  4. Edit - edit registration details.
  5. Confirm - confirm a selection of registrations, only confirmed athletes can be drawn.
  6. Un-confirm - un-confirm a selection .
  7. Delete - remove a selection of registrations from the competition.
  8. Refresh - refresh the current list, best used after you made some changes to registrations.
  9. Set ALL seaders by ranking - it sets the seaders by ranking for all categories. Precondition for this function is that there is a valid online ranking list in the JudoManager Admin.


In print command group you can print, preview or export as PDF:
  1. Categories - print the current list sorted by weight categories, various list views can be selected in the sidebar.
  2. by Club - print a selection sorted by Club.
  3. Selected - print a selection.
  4. Delegations - print delegations by Club or by Delegation Type. To print by Club you need to make a selection of delegates then press Delegations -> by Club. To print by Delegation Type you need to select a specific delegation type in the sidebar tree, then press Delegations -> by Delegation Type.
  5. Accreditations - print accreditations for a selection of registrations.
  6. Empty report - print an empty report that you can use to manage registrations with pen and paper.
  7. Summary report - print a summary report of all or confirmed registrations. A pop up window will open granting you control over the summation process, you can choose to count only male or female athletes and group them by Country, Club, Region or School.


In the view section you can choose between detailed view in overview.  Overview setting displays the information like this: 

Add new registration

Enter new registration by clicking the "Add registration" button or right-click in the list and select "Add registration". A search popup window will open - you can search for existing persons by last name, first name, country or club. Simply type the first few letters of last name and name, optionally add club or country name.

Since version 3.0.0. released on January 2021, an internet connection is required to add new registrations from a central database.

Double click on athlete name to add registration. A new window will open, asking for some more details.

You must choose the Age Category and Weight Category for which you want to register this person. You can also edit other details, like Seeder and Club seeder, change registration Country, Club, Region, School. Also in this menu, you can modify or enter the Weight and change registration Status.

Add a New Person

If your search by name did not show any results, you have to add a new person. To do so, click Add registration - New Person. 

A pop-up will open. Please fill all required data (labeled with red) to enter a new person. You can use localized (special) characters for local given and family names. For international names, you are only allowed to use international letters. When you fill in the required data, click the Save button at the top. A person will be added to the database and can now be registered for the competition.

Registration status

It is important to understand the status of registrations. When an athlete is registered for competition (manually or by web registration), they can be seen in the JudoManager Desktop application Accreditation section (if registered via web, synchronization needs to be performed first) with a  registered status. In order to add an athlete to draw, his registration must be either confirmed or weight must be entered in the Weigh-in module (or manually). Confirmed or weighed athletes will have a green-labeled row. 

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