Working with the Draw Display module

Working with the Draw Display module

Draw Display is a simple module for displaying draw results in competitions. It is used for the visual presentation of competitors in a competition as determined by the draw. Before using the module, you need to enable Draw Display on the server.

How to enable Draw Display?

1. Open the JudoManager Server program and go to the settings.

2. Click on Settings and then check the "Enable" box in the "Draw Animations" option.

Once it's enabled open the program Draw Display that was installed with JudoManager Desktop application. You can open it with a desktop shortcut or through Windows Start menu.

If you wish to use the Draw animation module, the Service must be stared in JudoManager Desktop application.

Draw Display setup

When you open Draw Display, the settings and various options for the operation of Draw Display appear.

Connection Settings - Enter the IP address of the computer where the Judo Manager program is installed. The Draw Display module communicates with the Judo Manager program through port 8095. Ensure that the JudoManager.Service is running when you configure the settings. You can check if the service is running in the JudoManager program or here.

Central Settings
  1. Central Settings Server - choose the server computer from which to pull default settings for Draw animation module.
  2. Auto Settings Mode - choose whether to pull setting from server computer or not. If the Auto Settings mode is OFF you can choose the display settings below manually and they will override the settings from the server computer.
Draw Animation Configuration
  1. Music loop - play looping music on preview screens (outside of the main Draw phase).
  2. Draw mix - play draw music during Draw phase. 
  1. For the draw animation, you can use various animation images. Select the one you prefer from the dropdown menu. Designs will be added based on the needs of each national federation.

Draw animation usage

Draw animation module is controlled from the Draw view in the JudoManager Desktop application. If Draw animation module is enabled, a Presentation mode command group will show in the Ribbon menu.

Presentation mode

  1. Welcome - present competition name and date.
  2. Overview countries - present the competition overview, number of Countries, Regions, Clubs and Competitors that take part in your competition.
  3. Overview athletes - displays statistics showing which continents the competitors come from, as well as the number of male and female participants in the competition.
  4. Category break down - displays statistics on the number of competitors in each category.
  5. Category - present the list athletes in the currently selected category.
  6. Draw - present and run the Draw phase, the draw must be created and confirmed before it can presented.
  7. Forward - present the next phase of draw animation, going from left to right. If pressed when on Draw phase it will go back to Category phase.
  8. Active - show the number of active Draw animation modules.

There are two different ways, how you can present your draw:
  1. Select a category, create and confirm the draw. Now you can use the Presentation mode command group, pressing each button going from left to right. Stay on each phase as long as you wish, then move to the next one when ready. You can also just keep pressing Forward and the sequence will unfold the same way. Remember that when pressing Forward in the Draw phase will move you backward to Category phase.
  2. Select a category and press Draw & Preview. This will automatically create and confirm the draw, then run the Draw phase of the draw animation.

Draw & Preview should only be used while the category is selected through All dropdown menu in the sidebar tree structure. If the same category is selected through UnPrepared dropdown menu, some of the functionalities of this button will be lost (Draw animation), since the category will be immediately moved to Confirmed.
When selecting a category to draw, the Presentation mode will be automatically set to Category phase. If you wish to show phases to the left of it, you need to manually select them.

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