Data import/export
Report bug
Click »Report bug« on the left menu under the section »Tools«. Describe the spotted bug or suggestion and send it to the administrators of the site.
Compute competition
Click »Compute competition« on the left menu under the section »Tools«. This list provides you with the list of: - Name and date of the competition, - Age groups that are competing, - Rank, - Points and results, - Under compute you can view the ...
Reported errors
Click »Reported errors« on the left menu under the section »Tools«. Each reported error can be found in here. This list provides you with the list of: - who and when reported the error, - a short massage describing the error, - on who does the error ...
Export data
Click »Export data« on the left menu under the section »Tools«. Select country and club and than select the data you wish to export. Once the data is selected you can chose which data you want on your file. Select the data by clicking in the check ...
Import data
Click »Import data« on the left menu under the section »Tools«. This enables you to mass import people. In the tab »Templates« you can download the .xlsx file with an example already inside. After you finish inserting the data in the excel file ...
Click »Messaging« on the left menu under the section »Tools«. [ 1 ] Subject. [ 2 ] When and who created the email. [ 3 ] Number of recipients. [ 4 ] Date and time when the email was delivered. If there is a red X that means that the email hasn't been ...
Guest request
Click »Guest request« on the left menu under the section »Tools«. This page provides a list of anyone who has requested guest access to your database. If a person that has requested access isn't on the user database you may add him by clicking ...