Working with the Accreditation module

Working with the Accreditation module

Before you can use the Accreditation module, you first need to set it up. This is done by pressing the Settings button in the Options command group in the Accreditation module application. Start by opening the Accreditation app via shortcut or Windows Start menu.

Press Settings to open the Settings window.

Basic Settings

Here you can specify how the Accreditation module connects to JudoManager Desktop application (server). If the Accreditation module is installed on a computer in a local network with the server computer, you can select Local location and type in the IP of the server computer. You can also browse through all available server computers in the local network by pressing the Search button. After selecting the desired computer's IP you can test the connection by pressing Test. 

If however the computer with the Accreditation module is not in the same local network as the server computer (computer running the JudoManager Desktop application), then you can choose Remote location. When you choose this option and press OK, you will be asked to log in with your credentials. After a successful login the Select competition window will open. Select your competition and your main view will populate with current registrations. Proceed with desired accreditation tasks. Note that all the changes you make will be synchronized with the cloud database and consequently with the server computer. 

When Local location is chosen, it is important that the Service in JudoManager Desktop application (top right corner) is set to Running, else any changes done will not be synchronized.
When Remote location is chosen, it is important that the Auto Synchronize function in JudoManager Desktop application (top left corner) is turned on,  else any changes done will not be synchronized.

Advanced Settings

  1. Language - override the default language used in the module. The default language is the same as the one chosen in JudoManager Desktop application (server) or English if on a remote location.
  2. Main server - which port should be used when connecting to the server computer.

Working with the Accreditation module

Accreditation module is basically a standalone remote version of the Accreditation section of the JudoManager Desktop application. The only difference is that it is not meant for confirming or unconfirming registrations. This is because confirmed registrations can be immediately used in the draw, and since the draw is done with JudoManager Desktop application, it is also best that this is also where the confirmation of registrations is done. 

Remember: you can not confirm or unconfirm registrations with the Accreditation module. 

To learn more about Accreditations check out the Working with registrations article.

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