Scoreboard application

Scoreboard application

Before you can start working with the Scoreboard application, you first need to set up the computer on which you plan to run it and then the application itself. Follow these steps:
  1. Connect an additional big monitor or TV to your computer, using "Extended mode". This monitor will be used to present Scoreboard display to the audience.
  2. Connect your computer to the local area network using an UTP cable.
  3. It is recommended that you set your computers IP manually (static IP) following the schema in Network setup article. However if your switch or router is able to set IPs automatically any available IP in your network will also do.
  4. Start the Scoreboard application via a desktop shortcut or the start menu.
  5. Select Settings in the ribbon menu to set up the application (details below).
If you wish to work with the Scoreboard application, the Service must be started in JudoManager Desktop application.
Each mat (tatami) requires its own computer with installed Scoreboard application and all other necessities mentioned above. It is impossible to represent multiple mats from one Scoreboard application instance.

Scoreboard application Settings

Basic settings
  1. Selected mat - choose which mat (tatami) will be presented.
  2. Selected Gong - choose the sound of the Gong, used for when the contest time expires. Gong sound can be tested, by pressing the Test next to setting.
  3. Api URL (server ip) - IP of the server computer (running JudoManager Desktop application).

How to select a competition on the scoreboard?

In the scoreboard settings, press the Search button, where you will see the available Servers. Typically, there is only one server listed for the competition. To ensure you select the correct competition, the competition name, date, computer name, computer IP, and the version of the JudoManager program are displayed. 
When you find your competition, press the Confirm button.

Advanced settings
  1. Language - by default the language will be inherited from the JudoManager Desktop application, but with this option, you can override it to a different language.
  2. Main server - change the port which is used to connect to the server computer. Default is set to 8888, and it is recommended to not change this setting unless necessary.
  3. Scoreboard - choose the port with which the Scoreboard application connects to the Scoreboard display.

Working with the Scoreboard application

After your computer and Scoreboard application have been successfully set up, it is time to actually work with your Scoreboard. Scoreboard application is used to record events that happen during the contest, and to broadcast current contest state to the Scoreboard display, which can then present this state to the audience. Scoreboard application can also broadcast some other views like sponsor Logos, Countdown and Pause.

  1. Display mode - changes depending on the actions taken in the Scoreboard application. It is also possible to change the Display mode manually by choosing from the dropdown menu.
    1. Logos - rotates through sponsor logos (visible in Scoreboard display). Timer, how much each logo is visible can be configured in the Scoreboard display settings.
    2. Countdown - broadcasts the Countdown (described below).
    3. White 
    4. Blue 
    5. Both competitors - broadcasts the introduction view with category/round and names and details (country, club, country flag, club logo) of both athletes.
    6. Contest - this is the main mode of the Scoreboard application, it dynamically broadcasts the current state of the contest.
    7. Winner - broadcast the winner view with the winner athletes name and details.
    8. Pause
  2. Set manual contest - manually input athletes and their details into the pop up window. The created contest will be set as current active contest. After the manual contest is finished you need to double click on another contest in the Contest list below to proceed. This is mostly meant as a testing tool.
  3. Reset - resets the currently active contest to its initial state. You will loose the current state of the contest and all accumulated events.
  4. Countdown - set the countdown timer and switch the display mode to Countdown. The countdown can be started or stopped by pressing the Mate/Hajime button (contest duration button) on the scoreboard.
  5. Settings - change various application settings, explained in details above.
  6. Start SB display - open the Scoreboard display.
  1. Synchronize images - pull the current images from the server computer.
  2. Synchronize contest order - pull the current contest order from the server computer.
  3. Clean data
  4. Test mode: Test mode allows you to test the functionality of your scoreboard without actually sending data. This can be particularly useful before a competition to ensure that everything is set up correctly and functioning as expected.
The main view of the application represents a scoreboard, with athlete information and various buttons that can be pressed to change the state of the scoreboard to mimic the state of the contest on the tatami. The upper portion of the view is taken by the athlete in white and the buttons to change his state (score, penalty). The bottom part is taken by the athlete in blue and his controls. Bellow are the general controls used to navigate the contest timer. Note that you can only change the time on the timer while the timer is not actively running.

This main view is used to convert the events that happen on the tatami into a digital and presentable format. For this a Scoreboard operator is needed, a person that always watches the referee and when the referee makes a verbal or nonverbal symbol, is able to understand it and input it correctly and swiftly into the Scoreboard. 

For better understanding, read the following examples:
  1. The referee calls "Hajime", the operator starts the contest timer.
  2. The referee calls "Mate", the operator stops the contest timer.
  3. The referee signals "Ippon" and points to his right, the operator presses the IPPON button next to the name of the athlete in white.
  4. The referee signals "Ippon" and points to his left, the operator presses the IPPON button next to the name of the athlete in blue.
  5. The referee signals "Cancle Ippon" and points to his right, the operator presses the trash bin icon next to the IPPON button, for the athlete in white.
  6. The referee signals "Osaekomi", the operators presses the OSAE button next to the athletes name who is doing the hold-down technique. If the referee signals "Cancle Osaekomi", the operator stops the OSAE timer and if the referees next signal shows a score, the operator presses OSAEKOMI CONFIRM which immediately assigns the appropriate score to the athlete. If however the referee does not show the score following the "Osaekomi" attempt, then the operator presses the trash bin icon next to the OSAE to delete the attempt.
The other actions, SHIDO, WAZARI, HSK (Hansoku-make) follow the same concept as the IPPON example above.

Once the score on the scoreboard sums up to one of the athletes winning the contest, the Winner button will highlight for the appropriate athlete. After you press it, the Scoreboard application will, after a few second delay, suggest to move on to the next contest in the contest order. At the same time the winner screen will be presented (Display mode: Winner).  If you choose to press Yes and move to the next contest a new pop up saying Show both will be presented. Until you press OK the Scoreboard application will present the contest introduction screen (Display mode: Both competitors) to the Scoreboard display. After pressing OK the Display mode will go back to Display mode: Contest, completing the cycle.

It is recommended to try out the scoreboard extensively, using Set manual contest or a sample contest order, in order to  familiarize oneself with all the buttons and functions before using it live at the competition.

At the bottom of the Scoreboard application you can find the detailed contest order list. Current active contest is labeled with yellow, future contests with white and previous contest with green.

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