Settings view

Settings view


General settings are managed in the  backstage view. Click on backstage - settings.

In Settings view, you can modify global application settings:



Change application and output language. This option applies also for code tables like age category names, country names, etc (example: English - "Germany", Croatian - "Njemačka", ...)
Changing the language option may ask you to download code tables in the selected language.


Set on / off auto-synchronization. This option is also available in the top-right corner in the main view.

Draw animation

Enable/disable the usage of the draw animation module. Change the communication port.

Advanced Settings

Select "Show advanced settings" to reveal additional settings. Those setting let you fine-tune some advanced aspects of JudoManager Desktop application.

Winner points

Set the number of points awarded for scores ippon (default 10), wazzari (default 1) and shido (default 0).

Weighing scale

If you use weighing scale with the server computer (computer running JudoManager Desktop application), set communication port and baud rate.

REST api

Changes the environment for API connection. For national competitions always use JudoManager setting. Judobase setting is intended for EJU and IJF competitions.
Warning: when changing the environment of rest API, it is mandatory to discard (clean) local database to keep data integrity. Failure to do so may result in unexpected behavior. 


Choose the backup option of the local database. You can choose between off, file system (local disk) and FTP (requires available FTP account). Local database will be saved periodically. You can read more about Automatic data backup here.

Database management

You can clean (backup and delete) the local database. This option allows you to clean up resources in case of troubles or changing the environment.
Warning: please make sure you have all local changes pushed to cloud database to avoid data loss.

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