Change log

Change log

Here’s a summary of the recent JudoManager updates:

Version - June 26, 2024

  • A new version of JudoManager is now available. 
  • Notable changes:
    • Server: If the service is not running, the square in the contest order will be colored brown.
    • Scoreboard: Fixed the issue with sending bye matches to the scoreboard in team competitions.
    • Accreditation: Corrected the "Birth year" field. The year is now displayed in the correct format.
    • Referees:  Improved and fixed the functionality for "Referees all over the mats".
    • Referee Settings: If you change the settings for referees, the data will be refreshed immediately when switching to another tab.

Version - June 06, 2024

  • A new version of JudoManager is now available. 
  • Notable changes:
    • Server: Server update for handling SignalR connections. 
    • Scoreboard: Change in the broadcast package on the scoreboard (different method of reporting IP address in case of multiple network cards on the scoreboard)
    • Scoreboard: The functionality of "Test connection" has been modified - it now also checks if the SignalR connection is established.

Version - May 15, 2024

  • A new version of JudoManager is now available. 
  • Notable changes:
    • Graphics: Now, information about which referee is on the mat is sent for graphics. 
    • Scoreboard Display: Resolved issue with displayed logo and added all country flags
    • Timeblocks: Addition timeblocks added: Draw, Opening ceremony, Golden score and Other.

Version - May 09, 2024

  • A new version of JudoManager is now available. 
  • Notable changes:
    • Graphics: Now, information about which referee is on the mat is sent for graphics. 
    • Team Competition: Fixed an issue where only three teams were participating in the competition.
    • Individual competition: Fixed an issue where only three competitiors were participating in the competition.
    • Enable the presence of multiple identical seedings in a category. An alerts is now displayed if a seed with the same number is already on the list.
    • Improved the transfer of all countries flags during synchronization and competition selection.
    • Expanded “Number” Field in Referees tab for better usability.
    • Medal report Correction
    • Fixed issues with the classification feature.

Version - April 15, 2024

  • A new version of JudoManager is now available. 
  • You no longer need the internet to install the Judo Manager Application, as the installation includes .NET components. This simplifies and speeds up the installation process.
  • Notable changes:
    • The corrected result of the fight is on the PDF contest order (double repechage, size 16 athletes, IJF reports, repechage final had wrong points for winners).
    • The corrected date on the Time blocks and date on the Age categories on the Competition tab.
    • Draw Amimation: in the draw animation module, the option 'Show seeded together' has been added.
    • Various optimizations have been made for better and faster program performance.
    • Users can download and install this version using the standard procedure.

Version - March 28, 2024

  • A new version of JudoManager is now available.
  • This version includes the new .NET (8.0.3), which automatically installs during the version installation.
  • Notable changes:
    • Notification window size adjustment
    • Fixed display issues related to the AIN flag in the ScoreboardDisplay module
    • Addressed a scaling issue in the Scoreboard module (button overlap over text)
    • Improved focus behavior on the ‘Yes’ button in the Scoreboard module
    • Fixed issues related to Statistics functionality
  • Various optimizations have been made for better and faster program performance.
  • Users can download and install this version using the standard procedure.

Version - January 22, 2024

  • General updates and optimizations:
    • New: Contest Planning feature for easier competition planning (sorting)
    • Accreditations: Ranking sorting
    • Introduced Contest Planning in the registration tab with an option to add a new “Ranking” column.

Version - December 19, 2023

  • General updates and optimizations:
    • Clean Data & Fetch Optimization: Improved performance speed
    • Installation of .NET Desktop Runtime: Automatic installation during setup
    • PDF Optimization: Increased operational efficiency when working with PDFs
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed an issue related to adding statuses to multiple persons simultaneously.
  • User Interface Enhancements:
    • Unified Select Competition Window: Displays local or server-based competitions, automatically refreshing based on selected dates.
    • Automatic Data Refresh: Competitions are updated when selecting dates.
  • Accreditation Module:
    • Unconfirm Functionality: Better control over accreditation confirmation
    • Unified with entries in Judo Manager
    • Option to upload images for competitors, judges, delegates, etc.
  • Module Communication:
    • Improved communication between modules for greater efficiency.
  • Additional Features:
    • Upload Competitor Image: Option to upload images of competitors, judges, or delegation members.
    • Data Replacement on Reports: Fixed issues with data display.
    • Functionality for Team Competitions: Editing teams and calculating fight counts.
    • Accreditations: New appearance, place display in overall standings, and A6 format creation.
    • Judges: Option to be drawn without avoidance.

These updates aim to enhance user experience and streamline JudoManager’s functionality. 🥋👍

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