Working with the WeighIn module

Working with the WeighIn module

The WeighIn application consists of the main view with the list of all registered athletes, the tree structure sidebar on the left, showing the total number of weighed and unweighed (Registered) athletes for each age/weight category, and the the standard ribbon command groups that are explained in detail below.

Before you can start the weigh-in process make sure you connect your scale and optionally the barcode reader to the computer on which you installed the WeighIn application.


  1. Synchronize - pull the current state (registrations, weights, ...) of your competition. If you set up as the Local location, this will pull the state from the server computer (JudoManager Desktop application). If however you are set up as the Remote location, this will pull the state from the cloud database.
  2. Push weights - push the weights from your weigh-in to the server computer or the cloud database.
  3. Delete weight - you can always delete a weight and repeat a weigh-in if anything goes wrong.


  1. Settings - used to set up the WeighIn module. Read in detail WeighIn settings article.
  2. Test -  this is where you test the connectivity of your scale. When you press this button a Weighin test window will open with placeholder user data.  Step on the scale and check if the weight is pushed to the Weight input window. If you can see "No scale connected" written in red letters bellow, check that the scale is properly connected to the computer and electricity and that you are using the correct settings. It is best practice to always test your scale and barcode reader before the weigh-in process.

Weigh-in process

The weigh-in can be performed for each registered athlete. List of the registered athletes can be seen in the main view of the WeighIn module. Rows labeled with white represent unweighed athletes, while rows labeled with green represent already weighed athletes. 

If you want to weigh-in an already weighed athlete, you must first delete their weight by pressing Delete weight in the Tasks command group.

Weigh-in is done through the Weighin window which opens when you double click on a row in main view representing an unweighed athlete or scan their barcode. Athlete barcodes are created by printing the athlete list in the Accreditation section of JudoManager Desktop application or the Accreditation module. Once the Weighin windows is open you can ask the athlete to step on the scale. The weight will be pushed from the scale to the Weight input box. If your scale can not connect to the computer you can also just read the weight from the scale and manually type it into the Weight input box.

After the weight has been entered you will be presented with different option buttons, depending on the outcome of the weigh-in.  If the athlete is under the weight limit for their category and above the weight limit of other lighter categories, only the Confirm button will show. Once you press it, the athlete will be labeled as weighed and you can continue with the next athlete.

If however, the athlete is above the weight limit for his registered category, additional options will appear.

You can now Move the athlete to the next heavier category, Remove their registration from the competition or Accept anyway, allowing them to compete in their registered category, despite their weight.

The third option is, that the athlete is below the weight limit of another lighter category. Similar options will appear, this time allowing you to Move the athlete to the category most fit for their actual weight.


Once the athlete has been weighed, their row will be labeled green and they will be moved from Registered to Weighed in the tree structure sidebar.

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