Sample JudoManager competition

Sample JudoManager competition

Here you will find a simple step by step example of a typical competition. 

Creating the competition

First step is to create a competition. This is done through JudoManager Admin. You will need valid credentials and at least country administrator rights to be able to create a competition. 
Navigate to Competitions section in the sidebar and press on New Competition. (Read more details about creating and managing a competition in the Competitions article.) For this sample we choose the following details when creating the competition.

Make sure you choose the right API user, that is, the user that will be managing the competition with JudoManager Desktop.
We chose the senior categories and choose to run the competition on two tatamis (two mats). We also added a banner, logo and sponsor images which will be shown in various parts of the application. We also set the Visibility to public, so other users can see our competition and add registrations to it.

If the competition will be streamed live, it is necessary to select the time zone in the Timeblocks section and set the time blocks with YouTube ID. The timeblocks can be later adjusted in the JudoManager Desktop.

It is also advisibe to upload the Image hero banner in the Advanced section. This banner will be displayed on live:

Adding registrations

Now that the competition is set up it is open for registrations. Registrations are usually done by club administrators but if needed you can always manually register any additional athletes. You can read more about registrations in the Registrations article.

Same process is used for delegates (coaches, IT, etc.) Press on Register delegation to add delegates. 
For this sample competition we will add a few athletes to each weight category and a few delegates. 
Athlete and delegate registrations can also be added through JudoManager Desktop application as explained in the Working with registrations article.

Competition setup

This is usually done in the competition venue, so we first need to set up the equipment and other infrastructure to be able to manage the competition. On how to set up the venue, read through the System setup articles preceding this one.

After the venue is set up, we can start JudoManager Desktop aplication on the server computer, and continue with essential preparation. We select our competition (Competition tutorial), turn on Auto Synchronize and start the Service. We then continue to check general competition set up, which is done in the Competition section of the JudoManager Desktop application.

In Detail menu we select to use Scale Control, since we will do the weigh-in on the server computer. This also enables the Weigh-in section tab below.

We chose to leave the values in the Categories menu and the Points menu at their default values.

In the Referees menu we we add 9 referees, assign them their referee numbers and mats for preliminaries and the final block. We also tick the checkbox for Auto draw referees so we can automatically draw them later in the Contest order section.

We leave the Accreditation design as it is. We encourage users to adjust the design to fit their needs.

In Draw config we adjust the Draw configuration for smaller categories (4 and 5 athletes) to IJF semi + final and IJF 2 RR + 2x final. We also change the Competitor optimal distribution to Countries (the algorithm will set avoidance to athletes from the same country). 

Next we create the Time blocks for the competition. Our competition will be active over two day, and it will have a Preliminaries block, followed by the Final block each day. We also add Youtube ID's to all the mats and the commentator channel. This will link the Youtube streams to For the Preliminaries, we also set both mats to active, while for the Final block only mat 2 will be active. Time blocks are done according to the competition schedule, so if competition starts at 8:00, we also set the time block to start at 8:00. 

We will leave the Language config as default.

For the Scoreboard settings we will go with the following setup.

Notice, that the banner image we chose above in JudoManager Admin, is visible here as a preview.

Accreditation and Weigh-in

After the competition is set up it is time to manage the registrations and start the weigh-in. At this point, you can add additional athletes or delegates as explained in the Accreditation section. This is our current state.

We will first confirm all the delegates (confirm those that are present, and remove the ones that are not). Then we start with the weigh-in as explained in the Weigh-in section article. 


After all athletes have been weighed it is time to perform the draw. The draw is explained in detail in the Draw Section articles. Before starting the draw we assigned seeders for each category. Before working with seeders we suggest reading the Seeders explained article.  We perform draw for each category separately by selecting the category and pressing the Draw & Preview button. Since we enabled Draw animation in the  Settings view the draw is presented on our extended monitor using the Draw animation module.

Contest order

After the draw is finished for all categories, it is time to create a contest order for the competition. We chose to have lighter categories on day one and heavier on day two, and women on mat one and men on mat two. We also ordered our contest by round (Mix rounds) so all contests for all categories are finished before the next round can begin. Read in more detail in the Contest order section articles. This is our contest order for day two, Preliminaries in Plan view:

And the day two, Final block:

We switch to Contest order view, Referee view and draw referees for our contests (we perform this action for each time block). Read more in Working with referees article.

Running the competition

Now we are ready to start our competition, following the competition schedule. As a sample, we will run through day two. 

By following the System setup we now have JudoManager Desktop application running on the server computer (we make sure we are broadcasting the correct time block, and that the Service is running) and two (for two mats/tatamis) scoreboard computers with additional extended monitors running the Scoreboard application and Scoreboard display.  

Before moving forward with the competition, we need synchronize the contest order to the to Scoreboard applications. We also need to start the  Packetsender module and make sure it is sending the packets from correct scoreboard to the API (check that the actual contest on the tatami is the same one as the one in the Packetsender module). Those packets will be visible on where they will show the current state of the contest.

We can now begin the competition. The scoreboards progress the contests order as we move through the competition.

Sample Scoreboard application:

Sample Scoreboard display:

During the competition we can view the competition details on We can view the brackets as they update while the competition progresses or we can view the live contest order. If we added Youtube ID's when creating time blocks, we can even view the live stream for each mat (tatami). There are many more functionalities of, and we encourage you browse through. Note, that the interaction with is completely optional, not every competition has the resources to support live streaming.

After or even during the competition you can view or print/export live results using the Results section of the JudoManager Desktop application.


It is important to understand that JudoManager has a modular design, meaning that you do not have to use the whole application with all its features. You can use JudoManager Desktop application alone without any modules, or even JudoManager Admin and still successfully run a low level competition. It is however a rather poor production value compared to what all the modules can do when working together. 

Another thing to understand is that this article is a working sample of a competition, but is by no means the only right way to structure and organize a competition. We advise reading the whole knowledge base in detail to understand the JudoManager Desktop and then use it as is needed for your local competition.

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